How to Visualize Your Future and Achieve it

The New Year always brings with it a new outlook on life. Reflecting from the past year usually results in resolutions (or goals) being set for the coming year. Making your resolution is the easiest part to achieve but when it comes to following through with the changes, well, that’s when it gets difficult. Here’s a few tips and resources to help you not stray (as happens) from your goals:
Specify, Specify, Specify
Get specific with your goals! Creating specific goals that yield tangible results will best allow you to follow through with your resolutions. Writing them down and setting aside time to accomplish them allows you to hold yourself accountable. Buy a cute planner to get yourself excited about achieving your goals. Some planners we love are: The Weekly Planner by russell+hazel, The Day Designer Planner by Blue Sky, and The Everygirl Weekly/Monthly Planner; all available at!

Break your goal into smaller goals
Let’s face it, big goals are daunting. Breaking down your big goals into smaller, more manageable goals allows you to implement them more effectively into your life. Saving money and landing a dream job are both great goals but they are fairly broad. Breaking these goals down into smaller goals such as eating out only once a week and refreshing your resume will help your “big goal” feel more achievable.
Share your goals
Accountability is everything. Sharing your progress with family and friends helps to encourage the continuation of your goals. This doesn’t have to mean regularly posting updates on your social media accounts! Telling one or two people about your New Year’s goals will still be beneficial to your progress.
Seeing is believing
The best way to visualize your goals is to have them physically represented. Vision boards are a great resource for resolutions. Inspirational quotes and images will allow you to further visualize your end goal and continue putting your smaller goals into practice. Don’t know where to start? This article from Oprah Magazine gives plenty of ideas to get you started.
Positivity is key
Positive affirmations are key in order to achieve anything. In order to fulfill your goals, you have to first believe you can! Downloading motivational apps such as “I Am” or “Motivation-Daily Quotes” will help you to not get discouraged along the way.

Remember to go easy on yourself throughout your 2021 resolution journey! Little fall-throughs will happen but they don’t need to be detrimental to your progress. The important thing is to be willing to get back up and start again.
The Everygirl Weekly/Monthly Planner
The Day Designer Planner by Blue Sky
The Weekly Planner by russell+hazel
I Am logo
Motivation, Daily Quotes logo
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